Agriculture is one of the biggest lie of our time. Its a huge topic and we will not talk about it deeply.

From my point of view, farmers are so stressed nowadys. There is so much preassure putted on their shoulders that they are constantly speeding their tractors accross acres, having no time at all to touch the soil for a minute to get a feel of how healty it is.

Here just a little true story:

Nowadys farmers have to buy their seeds from a big company. They are called F1 hybrid seeds. A patented seed you are not allowed to harvest seeds of the fruits/vegetables you grow, nor it will get nice plants. The result of this labor produced seeds are fully similar plants, same size, same time to harvest, same strenght and same weaknesses. To keep the farmers buying the expensive seeds and the matching chemicals they control also the other end of agriculture. The farmers bring their harvest to a collecting center with a sorting machine. If their e.g. carrots do not have the exact specifications as the sold and patented seed, the sorting machine will reject the full harvest and the farmer will bring it to the biogas production. Supermarkets will tell you that clients only want to buy perfect carrots. Use your brain. Do you see a pattern? Talk to your nearest farmer if you do not beleive my words and give me feedback. The seed companies also control the farming schools. I have friends who stopped their apprenticeship as farmers because they could not longer listen to the false information they get teached. On the flipside they are now 'illegal' farmers because they are missing the profession paper.
